Out of Office: How Leaders can make the most of vacation time

Out of Office: How Leaders can make the most of vacation time

The relentless pursuit of success often overshadows the profound benefits of stepping back and disconnecting. Summer holidays present an essential opportunity not just for rest, but for a deep, transformative reconnection with oneself and one’s creativity.


When leaders allow themselves to step away from the constant churn of productivity, they unlock a unique space where creativity flows from simplicity. Immersing oneself in the sensations of the moment—whether it’s the refreshing breeze, the calming ocean, or the serene silence—facilitates a connection to a source of inspiration that is often muted by daily pressures. By simply enjoying these moments, leaders can encounter unexpected insights and ideas. This process of relaxation and spontaneous creativity is crucial, as it occurs only when one fully surrenders to the joy of the present.


Furthermore, holidays serve as a vital period for reinforcing personal relationships. The irony for many leaders is that their professional roles, demanding significant time and energy, often distance them from the very relationships that enrich and sustain them. The holiday period should focus on nurturing these connections, spending time not in pursuit of specific outcomes but in genuine presence with loved ones. This form of engagement—free from the need for performance evaluations or competitive success—provides emotional nourishment and revitalizes the spirit.


However, it’s acknowledged that complete disconnection from work responsibilities is not always feasible, especially for those in leadership positions. The practical approach involves setting clear boundaries for work during holidays. By designating specific times dedicated to professional tasks and clearly communicating these boundaries to family and team members, leaders can focus intensely during these periods before returning to their holiday state. This delineation ensures that time off is truly regenerative, allowing leaders to maintain a balance between their professional responsibilities and personal restoration.


This balanced approach not only aids in personal rejuvenation but also sets a powerful example for teams, underscoring the importance of maintaining a healthy equilibrium between work and life. By embodying this practice, leaders not only enhance their own well-being but also inspire their teams to embrace a similar respect for rest and recovery. Encouraging this culture within an organization can lead to a more motivated, satisfied, and effective workforce, ultimately benefiting the entire company.


By Lorena Bernal

Article used for Forbes.