In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others, especially when it comes to friendships and social interactions. The friendship comparison trap can leave us feeling inadequate, left out, and dissatisfied with our own lives. However, by developing a deeper connection with ourselves and shifting our focus away from external pressures, we can find contentment and cultivate more meaningful relationships. Here are some insights on how to escape the friendship comparison trap and embrace a more fulfilling social life.


Embrace Solitude to Know Yourself

The first step in deepening our connection with ourselves is to spend more time alone. Solitude allows us to have honest conversations with ourselves and observe our thoughts without judgment. It’s a time to ask ourselves important questions: Am I often jealous? Do I strive for perfection out of fear of losing control? Am I masking my insecurities with a facade of strength? These reflections help us understand our true selves, beyond the surface level we often present to the world.

When we take the time to meet ourselves authentically, we discover our likes and dislikes, our strengths and vulnerabilities. This self-awareness forms the foundation for authentic interactions with others. By embracing our true essence, we can bring more honesty and depth to our relationships.


Use Others as Mirrors

Our interactions with others serve as mirrors reflecting our inner world. When we observe our reactions, defenses, love, and vulnerability in social situations, we gain valuable insights into ourselves. These interactions help us accept and understand ourselves better, allowing us to bring more truth into our relationships.

If we struggle with being alone and recognising who we are, we may fall into the habit of analysing others to find out what we like or dislike. This is where comparison arises. We compare our beauty, lifestyles, relationships, and achievements to those of others because we are not fully accepting and loving ourselves. By becoming more confident and accepting of who we are, we reduce the need for comparison. We can then embrace the unique qualities that others bring, drawing inspiration from those ahead of us in certain areas and offering support to those who are still growing.


Find Your Pace and Rhythm

Understanding and accepting our own pace and rhythm is crucial in avoiding the comparison trap. Each of us has unique needs, desires, and ways of experiencing life. While some people may be more active, curious, or social, its important to recognise that the world needs all sorts of people. Your unique qualities are valuable and necessary.

Listening to your heart and identifying the source of your thoughts and feelings is essential. Are they rooted in a fear of not being enough, or do they come from a place of self-love? By distinguishing these sources, we can make choices that align with our true selves, rather than conforming to external pressures.


Navigate Social Media Wisely

Social media often amplifies feelings of comparison and exclusion. Seeing others having fun at parties we werent invited to can be disheartening. However, it’s essential to remember that social media only shows a curated version of reality. People tend to share their highlights, not their struggles.

If you feel left out, consider whether those events truly align with your interests. If they do, ensure your friends know youre interested in joining similar activities. If not, accept that it’s okay to have different preferences. True friends will understand and respect your choices.


Cultivate Real Connections

Use feelings of exclusion as opportunities for self-reflection. Ask yourself why you feel left out and be honest about your emotions. This practice helps you understand your true desires and needs. Seek out people with whom you can be your authentic self, without the pressure of pretending or fitting in.

Real connections are based on mutual acceptance and understanding. Instead of desperately seeking inclusion, focus on building relationships where you can be genuine and feel valued. These connections provide the support and acceptance needed to thrive.


Embrace Your Unique Role

Just as a car needs various parts to function, or a body needs different types of cells, humans require diverse individuals to thrive as a collective. Each person has a unique role and function. By being true to yourself, you fulfill your unique calling and contribute to the greater whole.

Stop trying to be or do what others do and start embracing your individuality. Connect with people who enhance your abilities and observe those who are different with acceptance and goodwill. By doing so, you contribute to a more harmonious and diverse community.



Escaping the friendship comparison trap requires a deep connection with ourselves and a shift in focus from external pressures to internal fulfillment. By embracing solitude, using others as mirrors, finding our pace, navigating social media wisely, cultivating real connections, and embracing our unique roles, we can develop deeper connections with ourselves and those around us. Remember, the journey to self-acceptance and authentic relationships is a continuous process, but its one that brings true contentment and joy.


By Lorena Bernal

Article used for We Are The City magazine.