In our modern, fast-paced world, work often consumes a significant portion of our lives. It’s a realm where we contribute, learn, and strive. Yet, it’s essential to remember that work is just one piece of the vast puzzle that makes up our existence. Today, let’s explore how we can shift from merely enduring to actively finding joy and purpose in those days that seem just ‘meh,’ using mindfulness and self-reflection as our tools.


Work, fundamentally, serves various purposes. It’s where we can serve others, earn our living, grow professionally, and utilize our unique skills. However, it’s critical to recognize that our job is not the entirety of our lives. There’s a substantial difference between being in “work mode”—where the focus is on outcomes like financial gains, professional growth, or seeking validation—and embracing “I love my life mode,” which emphasizes enjoyment, gratitude, pursuing passions, and creativity. While some individuals are fortunate to find a job that ignites their passion, many are on a journey to find that alignment. For those still searching, integrating these different facets of life is the ultimate goal.


The concept of mindfulness plays a pivotal role here. Mindfulness is about being present in the moment, fully engaging with your current activities or the people you’re with. It involves letting go of anxieties about the future or regrets from the past, allowing us to immerse ourselves in the here and now. This practice is vital for both our professional and personal lives.


Importantly, you don’t have to disconnect from your true self while at work. Distancing yourself from your core during work hours can make it more difficult to reconnect with yourself later. Instead, leverage the parts of you that are skilled and passionate for your job, appreciating and being thankful for these traits. This doesn’t mean bringing your entire self to work but focusing on the aspects that thrive in your professional environment.


Moreover, it’s crucial to refrain from harshly judging your job. Viewing it as beneath you, mundane, or too critical only adds unnecessary stress. Every job has its importance, and recognizing the value in what you do, without comparison or judgment, fosters a sense of gratitude and presence.


Now, let’s delve into five reflective prompts designed to help you uncover the positive aspects of any workday and foster a deeper connection with yourself:


  • How did I make a positive impact today? Reflect on your contributions, no matter how small, and appreciate the difference they made.


  • In what ways did I grow today? Growth can be found in the smallest of steps. Acknowledge and celebrate these moments of personal and professional development.


  • How can I approach tomorrow with curiosity instead of dread? Shifting your mindset to see potential challenges as opportunities can transform how you perceive the day ahead.


  • Which aspects of myself did I bring to work today, and how did they enhance my tasks?Reflect on the skills and qualities you utilized, how they contributed to your success, and what you learned from focusing on them.


  • Praise yourself! Recognize your resilience, accomplishments, and the hurdles you’ve overcome. Celebrating your successes, big or small, is crucial for maintaining a positive self-view.


Incorporating these prompts into your daily routine can significantly alter your perception of work, transforming mundane or challenging days into opportunities for growth and fulfillment. They encourage you to remain present, recognize your contributions, and balance your professional and personal life effectively.


As you conclude your workday, make a conscious effort to switch off from work mode. Reconnect with all aspects of yourself, not just those you engage with professionally. Embrace your hobbies, enjoy quality time with loved ones, or relish in moments of solitude. Life’s richness extends far beyond our jobs, filled with endless opportunities for joy, discovery, and contentment.


By finding the good in every day, you’re not merely surviving; you’re thriving. This approach not only enhances your workday but enriches your entire life, proving that even the most ‘meh’ days can hold value and purpose. Remember, every day is a new chapter in your vast, vibrant life—embrace it fully.


Lorena Bernal


This article was used in Stylist Magazine.