In the realm of leadership, a pervasive question often arises: is it the responsibility of a leader to ensure everyone’s happiness? The straightforward answer is no. A leader’s primary duty is not to orchestrate a symphony of universal contentment among team members but rather to cultivate their own happiness.


The essence of leadership transcends the mere delegation of tasks or steering a team towards its goals; it involves embodying the qualities one wishes to see in their team. Happiness, motivation, joy, and hard work are not attributes that can be mandated from above but are, instead, qualities that are inspired. A leader who arrives at work exuding happiness, motivation, and a sense of purpose becomes a beacon of inspiration, influencing their team to emulate these qualities. It’s a simple yet profound truth: a team’s happiness and productivity mirror the emotional and psychological state of their leader.


Thus, the quest for a happy team begins with the leader’s journey towards personal fulfilment and happiness. Delving into one’s “whys,” embracing the journey towards achieving goals, and finding joy in the process are foundational steps. This self-focused growth fosters understanding, compassion, and respectful yet firm leadership. Such a leader is not just a figure of authority but a source of value, inspiration, and motivation for their team.


However, balancing wellbeing with results requires more than just staged wellbeing initiatives. True wellbeing stems from a balanced emotional state, which, in turn, is significantly influenced by the leader’s wellbeing. When a leader is in a good emotional and psychological state, they navigate challenges effectively, lead by example, and empower their team daily. This creates a work environment where employees feel valued, challenged, and motivated.


In conclusion, a leader’s role is not to ensure everyone’s happiness directly but to cultivate their happiness and wellbeing. By prioritizing their emotional and psychological health, leaders can create a positive and productive work culture. This approach not only achieves better results but also fosters a genuinely happy and motivated team. As leaders work on themselves, they unlock the potential for transformation within their teams, letting the magic of inspired leadership unfold.


This article was use in a Forbes publication