As we move into the Spring months, this period of transition can be the perfect excuse to reconnect with ourselves and how we’re feeling mentally and physically. Are you coming out of Winter raring to go or are there any changes you need to make to realign your path – whether you’re looking to progress professionally, become healthier, or be more present in enjoying all that life has to offer.

With the new season in bloom, here’s how we can harness the energy of Spring’s fresh start and give ourselves a wellbeing boost to thrive in the months ahead.

Tip 1: Approach The Seasons As A Fresh Start

With the longer, lighter days and newly sprouted greenery, Spring is nature’s way of waking up and growing again. And just like animals, plants, and trees have their cycles, our belonging to nature also means we see these moments of change in our overall wellbeing. You may feel refreshed and empowered, glad to see the back of the Winter months, and want to channel this new-found energy into making positive changes in your life.

Use this period as a launchpad to let go of the old and make room for new growth in our lives. Explore what you have learnt and what you are grateful for in the months that have passed. Let this moment encourage you to reconnect with your natural self, embracing the chance to grow and renew just like the world around us.

Mindfulness exercises have become more popular over the years, but it’s a practice that dates back centuries. An easy way to incorporate it in your life is through exercise. Whether it’s a gym session or an outdoor run, a physical activity that gets the blood pumping can help us connect our bodies and minds. But when starting a hobby like this, it’s important to reflect on your journey. This isn’t about a relentless pursuit for achieving more, it’s about recognising the obstacles you’ve overcome and celebrating the discipline, effort and attitude that saw you reach the next stage.

Tip 2: Don’t Limit Yourself 

We can often find ourselves caught in the chatter of our minds — constantly in the process of thinking, judging, and analysing the world around us. This mental noise can become overwhelming, generating fear, anxieties and stress that can negatively impact our wellbeing. But a new season is like starting a new chapter. It gives you a blank sheet to look ahead without limits and assess what you want to change. So take a moment at the start of a new week or month to write down your thoughts and goals, letting your imagination run wild.

Carving out time to daydream after being cooped up over the Winter can encourage you to quieten your mind and reconnect with what you’re truly feeling and working towards, outside of life’s daily routine. Get a pen and notepad and allow your ideas and emotions to flow freely on paper. This isn’t just about making a list of goals; it’s about visualising a future that excites you, motivated by the season’s promise of new beginnings. Ask yourself questions like ‘how am I feeling’, ‘what’s motivating me at the moment’, and ‘what will make me proud in 3 months’. Don’t be constrained by logic or limiting beliefs, just write whatever comes to mind and watch the excitement kick in. This will help you shape a life that you love every day as you work towards a goal that motivates you from your core.

Tip 3: Prioritise Time Outside 

Sunlight, fresh air, water, and being outside are all vital for our health and wellbeing. But we can so easily get caught up with life’s stresses that we often forgo a moment outside for another tick off the to-do list.

Finding reasons to love being outside can be easier when the sun is shining brighter and the air getting warmer so make it a priority in your everyday routine as we enter the next stage of the year. It could be a long walk at the weekend, picnics in the park with your family, or travel plans to a new part of the world. We thrive when we’re in tune with nature so take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the changing colours of the trees and plants and breathe it all in.

Tip 4: Bring Colour into Your Life

The world becomes much more colourful in spring, so why not reflect this vibrancy in your day-to-day? A quick way to do this is updating your wardrobe. Search amongst your clothes for the colours, shapes and patterns that you love and make you happiest, and use these as a basis to freshen up your outfits for the season. Bright colours can boost your mood and energy, and your choices could brighten someone else’s day too.

The change in season brings a new variety of fresh foods that are both tasty and good for our health. A nutritious plate that is full of flavours and colours can give you a quick mood-boost, and eating these foods is a good way to support our needs during this time of renewal. Explore new dishes that feature seasonal produce and embrace the opportunity to try new things – whether it’s in restaurants or at home.

Tip 5: Strengthen Your Relationships


Despite technology enabling us to live in a hyper-connected world with immediate access to each other, the desire for deep, meaningful and – most importantly – human interactions have never been stronger. Spring is a great time to reach out to those around you, as the season encourages us to open up, share, and understand how all our lives are linked. Whether it’s catching up with old friends or making new ones, make reconnection and building your community a priority for this period.


A final word


This Spring, let’s remember that we are a part of the natural cycle and use this time of renewal to refresh our minds, bodies, and spirits. Take the time to acknowledge what’s passed and what’s ahead. By embracing the spirit of growth and new beginnings that the season offers, we can make positive changes in our lives that benefit our wellbeing all-year round and create a life we truly love.


By Lorena Bernal

This article was used on the magazine The Luxury Report.